Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Where will you be in ten years?

I think a lot of the kids picked for these interviews had some of the same ambitions as people at Homestead. Some had higher than others, but almost all wanted to go somewhere in life and make something of themselves. I really admired Raquel Reynolds. She is an aspiring hair stylist and make up artist. The thing about her is, she isn't going into this field for herself. She says she wants to get into this work so she can help others and work towards leading girls to gain confidence in themselves. I also liked Elivia Freeman. She wants to become a neonatal nurse, which is also something I am interested in. I liked how she said she didn't care about how much money she made or if she was wealthy, she just wanted to do something in life she enjoyed. So, along with Elivia, in ten years I see myself in the nursing field as well. I love babies and children, so I am looking at neonatal study.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Awesome Things.

#283: Eating the thing you're cooking..while cooking it!
I love to bake; from cookies or brownies or cakes, it doesn't matter. I mostly cook with my family, which is always fun I think. Of course everyone looks forward to the goodies being done and out of the oven, but for me, I look more forward to eating the uncooked mixture. It is my favorite part! I think out of everything I have baked, the things I enjoy most eating are brownies.

#305: When little kids hit the age where they start saying hi to everyone.
I find kids so adorable. I absolutely love children. Especially the non shy ones. They come up to you at stores or doctors offices to simply say hello and put a smile on your face.

My personal addition to the list would have to be waking up and realizing you still have hours to sleep before you have to get up and ready for school or work. Every so often, actually, it happens more than every so often, I wake up in the middle of the night thinking it's time to get up and get ready for school. It's easy to get confused since, for most of the school year, we drive to school in darkness. Anyway, I dread waking up. So whenever I turn over and check my phone to realize its still only 3:18 and I have almost four more hours to sleep, I wake up happier.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Independent Project,

By Susan Engel.

Engel's article is an inspiring note of how a group of studnets forumlated their own school inside a school. This group consisted of everyday kids, from two close to dropping out to some few honor students. The program was called, The Independent Project. They devised a curriculum of math, reading, science, etc..the normal requirements for graduating however, they added their own little flavor. The students underwent an "individual endeavor" of learning a new skill such as piano playing or cooking. At the end of the term, they preformed these new skills and shared them with each other. For this one school, it was a successful idea. On the other hand, for Homestead I don't think this plan would work. In the article, Engel states that this takes very commited and serious students. I feel like the leaders of schools would not want to put in disciplinary action and only focus on the "fun" things. But this would not work, we would not be successful. I personally would love to try this idea, but I don't know how well it would work.